Seattle Prep Seniors: Hit Hard by Senioritis

Maggie Kerner, Staff Writer

Most people believe that second semester senior year is nothing but an easy coast to the end of the year. That could not be further from the truth.

The heavy workload that comes with senior year, both semesters. Expectations for students have been raised now that seniors are beginning the transition from high school to college, homework is being assigned more frequently and abundantly, and tests are becoming increasingly difficult.

Gabe Blake ’17 expressed his frustration by saying that “an easy second semester Senior year does not exist”. Despite all this, the attitude that seniors have towards school has still changed.

Many students have found it difficult to maintain the same motivation that they had in previous years at Prep. Now that colleges have accepted and/or rejected them, many feel that they no longer need to put in the same effort to complete the tasks they are given with the same amount of effort as before. Emily Messner ’17 stated that “I have never been assigned so much homework as I have this semester. But at the same time, I have never done the least amount of homework.”

After four years of vigorous academics, it is somewhat understandable for seniors to begin suffering from “Senioritis”. Seniors have expressed that they are struggling academically, but they have also expressed that they don’t care, as long as they can keep up a GPA that is high enough to prevent any colleges from rescinding their acceptance. Homework has become an afterthought.

Anya Lewis ’17 stated that “I tell myself I can finish 45 pages of reading during a ten-minute passing period”. Students have begun to realize that there are more important things than getting an A on every assignment, quiz, test, and paper. With the last few months of the school year approaching, seniors have reset their priorities to include sleep, extracurricular activities, and spending their last few months at home with friends and family.